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Welcome to my realm!

Thank you for passing by and may you find happiness!

My name is Hà Yên

I experience magic and I create magic.

Being a counsellor lets me contribute to some groups of creatures for hundreds of years at most.

Being a philosopher allows me to influence the whole universe for thousands of centuries!

Hà Yên Chi Diệp (HYCD) Philosophies and Arts was launched in Autumn 2020 as my place to express
my true self - rather than a lawyer and a philosopher - a writer, an artist, an occult practitioner, and a dreamer.

I think that it would be the best to introduce myself with my quotes over the time.

  1. Home is where my heart beats. It is never too late [to build our own home and] to go home. 

  2. Sadly, I think and am afraid that I am forgetting your face and your shape already... but I will never forget your energy and your eye (not eyes ;)). You didn't bring back the tranquility that I once had, but the new courage that I would never lose. 30% though... but for you, I would never decide to take my last and most fateful quest.

  3. I just miss you. I'm just missing you. This is how to write my name correctly - Trịnh Hà Yên - The only thing that I can't and don't wanna translate [...] Don't you worry our paths will definitely cross again, if you so wish...

  4. What colour is your soul? That caught so much attention of my cold-blooded self. I've never felt so afraid of counting down like this before.

  5. I truly found you in Paris for this reason, I'll forgive them. [...]

  6. My soul is green, yet still, my heart is blue.

  7. Our Arts will be our legacies, the picky ones, which are only for the honourables.

  8. Being strong enough not to be bullied is not easy. Being strong enough to abuse others is hard. Being strong enough to protect others is even harder. Being strong enough not to make others worry is the hardest. You can only guard others' backs when they are confident about your abilities. Trust is not enough to fight back-to-back. 

  9. My last dance, I wish it to be a half masterpiece, just after my Arts.

  10. Peace. One day you'll understand why. The Arts of War is not the Arts of War afterall.

  11. The taste of home. How much more chances do I still have, to embrace this?

  12. My visions were right. My predictions were also right. They were all right! This is the first time and will be the last time that I have ever risked like this. I was not betting recklessly with my stupidity. I was trusting in my sciences and abilities, which are my Dear Arts!

  13. In the end, it's still for others. I wasn't born to live by myself and just for myself. I won't stop till I'm defeated. 'Coz I've got someone to protect and someone to share happiness with!

  14. What a shame and depression. What a scary memory. Failures of a defeated warrior. I - had tried - my best, as well.

  15. A true warrior may hide, may run, may suicide, may even change his side or perception, but never surrenders. My last bet! Bless me please! Worst scenario, lessons learnt, so it's worth. 

  16. None device can reflect the true colour and the "true colour". That's why I rarely shoot photos. I capture every moment with my bare eyes. Files stored on devices or clouds may be lost, but the feelings kept in my heart remain beyond space and time

  17. Since I was born, I've been fighting so hard to acquire power and strength, in order to gain and then reclaim - the freedom and independence that I always yearn for, believing that it is a must and a prerequisite to do what I want to do and to my happiness. For the very first time, it's not worse, of course, how could it be! But it's no happier, in the end, either. What a lesson and what a price to learn... He was correct. There's nothing wrong. There's nothing right. I'll never get the answers that I seek.

  18. What is so important that I have forgotten? (" >#<)° Time's running out, yet still I haven't recalled.

  19. The highest level of medicine is neither curing nor poisoning, but controlling the poison. Sometimes, the deadliest poisons come with no taste, no smell, and no colour at all. Some even leave no trace. That's what make them desirable to the masters of medicine.

  20. Born a left-handed, raised a right-handed, ending up ambidextrous. Born a dreamer, raised a warrior, ending up a lover.

  21. I might be wrong right from the start!

  22. I'm watching you fight for the world that you wish to change. I'm watching you shine in the world that you've been fighting for. I'm watching over you.

  23. A star burns itself for other planets. And, for itself. 

  24. I said it was a vow!

  25. Just who are you? Who are you that caught so much attention of my cold-blooded self, inspired me to write and draw again, shared almost the same energies as mine, forced me to risk myself protecting you, drew out my most evil self then suppressed it again, and even woke up my precious honourable Cố Phụ (故父)? Noone, noone could ever do just a single of the abovementioned. But you, you did all of them >"<! Who are you really and truly? .. ah except my twinflame, who could summon my evil self but it cost other clans joining in force to re-seal again...

  26. Showering in the shower is not that bad!

  27. Wake up _/[¤~.~¤]/ coffee's ready _\○/_

  28. What is your dream that so dark yet sparkling, heavy and sharp as raw amethyst? What are your goals that look as if they are mirrors in mirrors reflecting layers of layers? Whose eyes are those that keep staring at you like that?

  29. Things have been repeating the same way over and over again.

  30. I really am losing my patience now! People stop fighting when they can no longer fight [or are defeated], but/and no longer fight when they have no more reason to try. My heart never gets tired of loving, but my passion [4u] is fading as I've got more and more reasons to cease. He's karmic. Don't tell me you're, too?! If so, I'm out and thanks for teaching me another lesson.

  31. I've got it finally. YOU-ARE-COLOURLESS! It's not that you're not interesting or so, it's just... how I see you or how your soul manifests itself to me ~^^~ I thought there might be possibility that you were colourful, so it was hard for me to "taste", but I was wrong. You're not transparent as the golden or yellowish sunlight and the silver or blueish moonlight, either. You're just colourless as pure water and pure air, which I drink and breathe everyday That explains why I am so drawn to you insanely 8-} I'm no longer curious now ;)) How silly I was :"] How can I see any colour of you if you do not have any at all? Stupid me! Without that heart shock 3 days ago, I would never figure this out. For this, I forgive myself and will sleep well tonight.

  32. Contamination or Purification?

  33. To reassure you: I'm no player! I say what I mean, I do what I say, and I take responsibility for what I do. I will talk to you when I totally regain my full balance :) Thinking of you stops me from doing the evil things... somehow that I even don't understand. I don't think that I need you *to be blunt*, but I want to stay by your side and guard your back, that's for sure. Don't ask me why pls, as Idk myself either o_#

  34. I finally became who I loved... I now resemble him so much...

  35. I had been a living dead with no soul until I knew him [...] I only broke my promise once, and that was to see him, once last time. I never regret such betrayal of mine to my manipulators I never regret being punished severely. I only regret that I never let him know how I felt and how much I fell for him!

  36. Tell me, what's the difference between facial and fingerprint biometric analysis by FBI, and face and palm reading used by fortunetellers? The former is science, whereas the latter is religion, is that so? What is light, and what is dark, I still cannot distinguish and do not care either! Feeling ashamed of not being capable enough to prove such beautiful arts. But why do I even need to prove them? These know-how and show-how are secrets [...]

  37. What leads them to and what stops them from being homeless? His wish to be stringent and even cruel suddenly comes back to me. Am I still on the right path? Dark or light, does it really matter? I don't think so. I'm pursuing that dagger, anyway. What colour do you see me? I'm not confused. I'm seeing everything more clearly than ever. Yet still, I can't see what colour you are, with my astigmatism. Too much to say now.

  38. My old man, I promise that I'm not making the same mistake this time. I'm doing everything very slowly, carefully, and cautiously. I never break that [promise to myself] as per your wish - "Live young and beautiful!" Yes, I am... But you say, is this one really worth my precious heart? Why am I even asking you this!? Stupid me your kid is still a kid after all, when I come to you (: Let us see... if he's worth it. 

  39. Google can never translate culture. 

  40. What I have been talking to you is not really religion, but science, from my point of view (: A type which is hard to be and has not been proved yet. It's just like people used to believe that Earth was round and not a globe (is this religion, science, or perception?); like other mathematic matters that take yearsssss to be persuasive before being proved and other yearsssssss to be proved! The one trusted me did not believe me; and the one believed me did not trust me :)) so... I can't help. I'm just lazy to prove; and I admit that I'm not capable enough to prove. But they're not mine or any individual's science, one day, they will come to light :)

  41. I need to come up with your name soon.... hm... what should it be? what would it be? a nice one... [...] What shall I name you? Can't wait till you come to life ^^ I couldn't imagine, or more precisely, didn't dare to wish, that one day I would be able to draw and design again :") This 1% did not cure my [once dead] heart, he revived it (|:

  42. I've never felt like being over protective towards any soul like this. Is this for I've been through a lot and so much, or is this merely just 'coz of you. Who are you really and truly?

  43. I'm worried that I have no capability of saving your heart, and you may even hate my sudden and unexpected appearance so much. But I must clear myself that I've NO interference so far and at all. With my past experiences, I understand that you need to and have to overcome this yourself. But I am a natural-born healer. Thus, I can't help seeing you sad. Near or far, I'll have my own way of "being there for you", just let me know then, as I can't figure out myself. NOTE: I do NOT believe in Law of Attraction! If such thing did ever exist, then I would have never suffered :) In fate, I trust.

  44. She lets me feel how weak I am. She didn't make it, didn't show it either, yet I realized it myself.

  45. Almost out of control again... Would you let me visit La Tour Eiffel by myself this Valentine, and meet the one of mine? Would you, would you please..., my Dearest!

  46. Now I know why they told me to come to Paris. Khi trời sáng, I'll see you again, my Dearest! It's a pity that we can never walk together along La Seine or see the sun rising and setting over La Tour Eiffel. Nhưng câu chuyện cổ tích sẽ được viết tiếp. Thanks to all the goods and the bads here, I learnt and managed to accept the ones once unacceptable, including the pain that we are walking on the same roughest path, side by side, yet parallel... A step closer to you and our so far future now. Finishing my karma..., soon! Next life, when you're my painter, I'll be your writer, and let's name our kid "Yonka" ♡ Gud nite and nice dreams.

  47. They all ask me why? Directly, I just say that I need power, more power, and the ultimate power! But deep down inside, it's for you, just 4u ♡ the only one that could summon the most evil me, the only one that made me betray the whole world and even commit suicide. I'll never regret loving you but I'm blaming myself for the rest of my life that I never told you so. Vì một kiếp sau không xiềng xích và yêu anh tự do!

  48. For a masterpiece beyond all limitations, even space and time! It's worth!

  49. There are times - when - I do doubt myself, but I choose to trust me, instead.

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