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Bowing to Heaven and Earth | 一拜天地 - 慕寒& HBY

10 Apr 2020, Paris, France


I said it was a vow!

Now I know why your eye (not eyes) was so special that I could never forget, even if I no longer recall your shape! I – recognize your eye (not eyes)


I forgot to mention the 1st layer of the meaning

1st bow to Heaven and Earth, being grateful to the Universe for letting each of the counterparts to reconcile in their destiny. 2nd bow to their Parents, being grateful to them for bringing each of the counterparts to this world. 3rd bow to each of the counterparts, being grateful for encountering and remaining in the other counterpart’s life, cherishing, protecting, and loving mutually.


I found no relevant or nice Engsub, so I’m translating this myself (Gods! It took me almost 3 hours *phew*).


Ver 1:


The terrestrial great river holding the celestial milky way.

The present people singing the song of the old ones (FYI: ” old people / 故人 / cố nhân” refers to a soul mate in the past)

Next life [I’m / we’re] seeing [my / our] beloved of this life

Would [you] still remember?


We, in the end, still had to experience separation [and] transmigration (FYI: ” transmigration / 轮回 / luân hồi” originally means taking turn and coming back, or taking turn to come back)

Suddenly meeting [each other again], glancing then passing by [each other]

Whether or not, would you turn around in just a moment,

With doubts hidden in your eyes? (FYI: I’m not sure if they mean “eyes” or “eye”)

[My beloved,] listen

This chime sounds melodious and pure (Husband’s echo: melodious and pure!)

[My beloved,] look

The sophora japonica is blossoming so white as previously (Husband’s echo: so white as previously!)

The lake’s surface stops waving (FYI: ”waving / 风波 / phong ba” with “风 / phong” means “wind” and “波 / ba” means “wave”. Together, they mean the very hard time)

Husband: The sunshine has reclaimed a little of its colour

Husband and wife together: As you and me!


Wife: 1st bow to Heaven and Earth – Husband: This 1st bow [recalls] [our] old [lunarite] dreams (FYI: “lunarite / 陆离 / lưu ly” with 陆离 together means a rainbow-like light)

Husband and wife together: [first,] [let us] bow and thank [the blue sky / Heaven]

For granting you and me an intertwined grasp of each other (FYI: I love this sentence of my translation the most! No more explanation needed! “grasp” is just perfect with every aspect of its meanings)

Wife: So that I could meet you amongst thousands of ten-thousands of people – Husband: Until [getting white hair / growing old], [we] won’t forget (FYI: they are completing each other’s sentences)

Wife: 1st bow to Heaven and Earth – Husband: Bringing love and hate, kneeling, [approaching / entering] terrestrial life

Husband and wife:

Furthermore, bowing [the land queen / Earth] (FYI: “queen” originally means “behind” in Chinese, as the queen always follows her king and standing behind him, guarding his back. Earth (Yin) is considered as the queen of Heaven (Yang))

For granting you and me a tranquil place

Wife: Please [hide / keep]

Husband and wife: Side by side, attaching [to each other] with a smile

Husband: Wish for the next life (Wife’s echo: Wish for the next life)

Husband and wife: See [you, my beloved] again!

Ver 2:


Retained sounds are telling each of [our] tales in pieces

The rough grindstone sketches on paper [months and years / our days] as the songs

The cherished will eventually be scattered

As the fireworks of last night


[Why do we need / There’s no need] to beg for fate’s mercy and giving

The furthest [we could reach] is nothing more than life and death

[I am just] afraid that, in the end, I would not [live up to your trust to entrust yourself with me]

[I] have not fulfilled my initial promises

[My beloved,] see

Off the stage are all [our] precious guests (Wife’s echo: Are all [our] precious guests!) (FYI: on the stage are the Groom and Bride, off the stages are the guests to their wedding)

[My beloved,] listen

The swearing may be deemed as congratulations (Wife’s echo: As congratulations!) (FYI: they say that this song was originally written for a gay couple =)) I don’t care anyway. Simply, it just means that this is a wedding against a lot of disagreement, rejection, disapproval, etc.)

After all, [we] neither owe nor credit anybody

Wife: This life, this moment

Husband and wife: [There are] just you and me!



Don't shed any tear! There's no need to beg this time, either


If you're not worth, then who else? Stupid me!

I will not just be waiting. I'm doing something else, for our own happiness. We deserve it!

Let us trust our self (and not ourselves).

No matter where you are, with whom you are, what you are doing, I always have my ways to cherish and support you, ... my beloved : )

I need nothing in return, even yourself if you want your own freedom : ) I need you to be happy, that's all! So smile : )

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