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Howling Wind of Betrayal

(Posted on my Facebook on 8 March 2020, Paris, France)

Long time no write, and what happened to Facebook's Note function ? This post cleared all text format


Intro The first note is supposed to be for her, but I presume that you may be reading these, so… a not-so-brief introduction of myself as below *smiling*

Episode 1 - The remaining me I started writing, hm…, let me see, since I was 7 - 8 years old. Yes, my debut poem was created when I was just 7 - 8 years old. Because at that time, my family had to move our house and I thought that I would never see my neighbour-kiddies-friends again, though they did not really like and treat me well =)) as I am the youngest one, a follower, and moreover, an unexpected child (I may later on reveal why and how I came to this life so unexpectedly, one of the reason why I ALWAYS am against abortion) I wrote my first fiction when I was 10 years old and gave it to my best classmate (at that time), who sat next to me. She complimented it so much and said that she longed to read the next chapter. I was writing and drawing.... But now I do not even remember why I did not complete that. I have a good and bad habit of keeping my old things, and others’ mementos to me. However, I don’t recall where I put my script… or my parents may have discarded it as we had to move our house the second time (for me, it may be the third or fourth time for them - I mean my parents and elder sis). When I was 12 - 13 years old, I was capable of making 4-sentence and 8-sentence Tang shi (in Vietnamese: Thơ thất ngôn tứ tuyệt Đường luật and Thơ thất ngôn bát cú Đường luật; in Chinese: 唐詩 as traditional and 唐诗 as simplified) in Hán - Việt (Chinese Han - Vietnamese), one of the hardest - if not the hardest - type of poem in the world, following SUPER STRICT rules! Starting with Yahoo 360! then something else in between, then Facebook (when Yahoo 360! was officially shut down). I kept writing almost once every day when I was at highschool, and some of my friends followed me though there was neither subscribe button nor see-first notification. When I was about to write something, but got distracted, I just wrote 1-2 sentences… and my “subscribers” were discouraged as well. Reaching 18 - 19 years of [physical] age , I and my friends at the University sometimes played reaction-word-game, which required us to produce literature material within seconds or minutes. It was so much fun! Back then… when I was picking which Uni to enter, I said I wished to be a writer, then my father was the very first one to prevent my nonsense as he deemed it to be! He always wanted me to enter the Police force, as a REPLACEMENT for the failure of my sister. Until now, I still can’t see it clear whether he loves me or not, or am I just an alternative investment. They, all of them, only changed their focus onto me, an unexpected child born with defection, when their first valuable one had never ever lived up to their plans.

Episode 1a - My writing habits and my close friends I don’t remember exactly, but it was so freezing in the humid cold winter of Vietnam that I had to and loved to have a cup of peach tea every night writing. Not to drink, but to smell and to hold firm within my cold-blooded hands. No matter how I warm them up and keep them warm, either with or without gloves, hand warmers, etc., they would definitely remain cold, so cold that a contact of less than one second, yes - less than one second, would be enough to freeze people around me. As I told you, over all these years, I have developed multiple personalities, most of the time, they are all under my “balance-mode” control. I never, have never, shared my whole story to anyone else, but partially with each of my close friends, as they are so different from each of themselves and from myself. Hence, they would only understand the parts related to them In addition, if someone find themselves in my notes, it proves that they are so important to me and ranked on my list of first-to-rescue :)) I used to enhance my networking but stopped doing so since 7 years ago. Nonetheless, I keep nourishing my relationship with the closest ones. We have an idiom like… you’re rich thanks to your friends and you’re elegant thanks to your wife (in Vietnamese: giàu vì bạn, sang vì vợ) - Someone, anyone, please help to translate or express this in English, please

*** I have a super old (not the old of her physical age, but of how long we have been together) “diary”. We joined the primary school together, her father was also a good colleague of my father’s. She was the first one that gave me the courage to enter the most prestigious secondary school (as I had not studied well when I was a little kid :”>). She was also the only one that I got accompanied to my very first tarot reading and revealed a tiny part of my 2nd level of origins. It was a summer rainy night 7 years ago. I had never gone out whenever it rained unless I had to, but since then, I no longer mind the rain, because I know that the others have been waiting for me… for hundreds of years. I forgot and recalled just now We didn't keep contact for several years as out of sight, out of mind, but reconnected just when the time came. And regardless of the non-contact time, we have been friends for 21 years!

*** I have two friends of 16 years (a boy and a girl / a man and a woman now haha) and one of 12 years (yes, a man now). We attended the same class at highschool, 26/28 were girls and 2/28 were boys, yet both of the boys became my close friends For the two of 16 years, I went to the same secondary school with them as well, especially the same class there with the boy (for two years only, as our class was divided and mixed up with others’) but we only got close later on.

*** This one is so important… I will directly tell you about him one day if you ever ask, of course =)) I cannot write it here, as I must protect this 16-year-friendship as well as protect him, for some reasons FYI (as a hint for your “why”) he is so fond of James Bond and Ethan Hunt. I will be the first to know about his girl friends and he will be the first to know about my love interest ;)) but rest assured, we are kind of comrade and never fall for the other :)) I do not only promise but also guarantee this one

*** Where are we now? My two → five close friends from University… 9 years already. Why two → five huh? Because I’m closer to two of them (a boy and a girl - the one on my old avatar, the one that “walk-shopping” with me for 7 hours continuously and yes, both of them on my old cover photo) and less close to the other three (two boys and a girl). We can talk about anything, just anything on earth. I really am a gossiper around them!

*** And one → four other people from my Judicial Academy. We worked as a team during the whole course, so bound the bond ! The oldest, i.e.: Lão Đại (a kinda mafia word for Big Brother) is 20 years older than me ^^ while the youngest is at the same age as mine.

*** 500 ace (abbreviation of 500 brothers and sisters, as a “fashionable” word ;)) ) after a hot film got trendy. They are my former colleagues at Baker McKenzie. We worked together, played together, travelled together, got scolded together, cried together, got victory together, smiled together and laughed together,... and left the Firm [almost] together =))

*** I think that’s enough about me for now. I will explain why I am so obsessed about the ring I lost in Berlin like that in Ep 2. It’s high time to finish my delayed paper now 8-}

Ah I almost forgot, I often use Yahoo emoticon code in my writing, as a habit since 15 years ago and I always include the music background for my writing, but it changes as Facebook does not provide the same platform as Yahoo 360! But I did not listen to this type back then, something else, so different!

Episode 2 - The rings, they represent her

Episode 3 - Second judgment, if ever, to the so-called traitor

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