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HYCD's Modern Arts of War - For your freedom

7 Apr 2020, Paris, France

Apply these CHAIN-stratagems following these STRICT orders, then you can free yourself and get what you want though its value may be decreased a little. It may not be win-win, but definitely not lose-lose.

This - is an art of balance, not harming anyone and not letting anyone harming yourself either!

1. Remove the firewood from under the pot (Chapter 4, the 19th) / Rút củi dưới đáy nồi / Phủ để trừu tân (釜底抽薪)

2. Watch the fires burning across the river (Chapter 2, the 9th) / Cách ngạn quan hỏa (隔岸觀火)

3. Feign madness but keep your balance (Chapter 5, the 27th) / Minh tri cố muội / Giả si bất điên (假癡不癲)

4. Gather evidence – Reload bullets taken from their side – Whatsoever that works for you – Take the opportunity to pilfer a goat (Chapter 2; the 12th) / Thuận thủ khiên dương (順手牽羊)

5. Point at the mulberry tree while cursing the locust tree (Chapter 5, the 26th) / Chỉ tang mạ hòe (指桑罵槐)

6. Accept to lose the minor, in order to gain the major / Negotiation – Reasonable compromise / Tossing out a brick to get a jade gem / Chìa chân cho chó cắn / Phao chuyên dẫn ngọc (拋磚引玉) (Chapter 5, the 17th)


Now it's time for me to retreat. All I wish for is peace but I never get the tranquility that I want. Even if I do nothing, or even further more, if all I do is to protect the one that I care for without harming any ones, others would seek me and harm me. I gotta heal myself now.

I understand that's the rule of nature and hold no grudge : ) I am already the peace myself.

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