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HYCD's Modern Arts of War - Haircut technique

11 Apr 2020, Paris, France

Em lại muốn cắt tóc rồi anh Thanh ơi T___T huhuhu!


Oracle song of the day: Memory by Jascha Richter. Man, I can never hear the full beats on Youtube.

My life lesson [4u] today: skin and hair!

I used to be sooooooo proud of having flawless skin and nice hair, until I lost the former. Once it's damaged, it could never be recovered, no matter how hard I tried. I wish I could show you my best of 10 years ago :))

Whereas, in order to maintain this silky hair, three requirements must be met. First, I condition it everyday! with suitable product. Expensive does not mean suitable, sometimes, expensive turns out to be harmful, as it is just not compatible. Each body is different, that's all! Second, I inherit this gene from my grandmother, who passed it through my father (of course!) though he is bold =)) Third, I had my hair cut on a regular basis, to eliminate all split ends. There's a huge difference between trimming and dusting (search for 1-min ~ 3-min explanation on YouTube). I never got it dusted, yet always trimmed!

Some don't wanna cut away the split ends, feeling afraid that they would regret the length that they tried to achieve, which actually lead to further damage to the whole hair. Some choose dusting over trimming, thinking that it would help to maintain hair length without seeing the split ends. In fact, the starting point of the splits is not yet eliminated and will definitely cause further splits in short time. Meanwhile, the hair never looks shiny but "rusty". Once your hair got split ends, no matter how well you keep nourishing the splitted, it never look good again and even could bring you and let you keep a not-so-good looking!

In short, I must got a nice hair originally, I have been taking good care of it (it's worth my time as a daily routine), and I have its split ends eliminated regularly.


I haven't got my hair cut for so long now these past 5 years, only anh Thanh may cut it! I thought I would give myself a try in Paris, come on, it's the capital of cosmetics and fashions! (not sure if it's the second one to Milan or not). And now, no single hair salon is opened :))

If I could, I would fly back to Hanoi just to have my hair cut by anh Thanh


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