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This - is no longer just yours!

6 May 2020, Paris, France

You want to do what you want with whom you want to do it with, don’t you?


It took me five drafts just to really begin writing and opening up with this suggestion. No no, no longer and no more proposal or confession =)) So, suggestion, or recommendation, I would say.


Here’s the deal, cooperate with me to untie this [unexpected] bond. Honestly, I don’t think that myself is enough to breach a soul contract, which I think that might be at a twin-ray level (just learnt yesterday *haha*).

I don’t know how yet, but I am figuring it out, at least, enough to free you. *Smirking* I even don’t know how we get to this point or how we have been chained to each other [like this]. I’m not complaining, don’t be offended. I’m not blaming, either. I just think that you won’t be able to do what you want, as long as this odd and weird connection is maintained. And I feel partly guilty and responsible for this, as far as I understand what it is.

What I need you to help or to do, Idk, either ( -.-“) But from a contractual perspective, I think that as long as two main parties wish to cease the agreement mutually, there would be no problem, as long as they can settle amicably with the involved parties. The related parties… I’ve no idea either, that’s a theory. And there’s no reasonable or enough compensation as there’s never any equal given and taken. The world is barely balanced (I once discussed this with you). Keep that in mind.

Anyway, there’s no need for you to think about all those things. Just do it as you want it, and do it for yourself 100% as you said. So… on your end, wishing to free yourself might be enough – I presume.

I’ll do my work my way on my end. I’m not doing this just for you, me, us, others. I’m doing this as this is what I believe that I should do.

Once I, or we, success in breaking free, you and I should feel it, your freedom and my freedom, right away. I don’t think that I would fail, though I may, I don’t want the idea of getting a failure.

I no longer want, need, or would like to know what you want to do now. It no longer matters. It’s none of my business anyway.


My last story to share with you always know and distinguish “want”, “need”, “have to”, “love/ like/ would like”, “should do” and “able to do”.

I had always thought that to “love”, “wed”, “register marriage”, and “live” with one and only a single person, my old man – my dearest – my twin flame, would be ideal. My most selfish love for myself ever. Until I bumped into my karmic situation (no offense, to him, I would be his karmic situation as well, and at least, he taught me some lessons), did I realize that I might love one, wed another one (wedding ceremony is different from marriage registration, the former is a tradition while the latter is a legal procedure), register my marriage with another one (this happens sometimes in practice, not just in Vietnam and in the present), and live with another one. I’m no player, once again. I’ve never wedded, never registered marriage, and never lived together with anyone else. It’s just that, that moment, I just understood that – what I wanted, what I needed, what I had to do, what I loved/ liked/ would love to do, what I should have done and what I was able to do, were totally different from each other. Of course, one must be happy when those things align and or match with each other, or at least with some others. That was when my balance self was [finally] formed. I’ve lot more about the prior events leading to such final formation. But it’s my stories and you’ve nothing to do with my stories. I never want to involve you in my mess. So relax and rest assure.

Idk what I’ve been feeling toward you. One moment, I feel like I had been and have been put under others’ spells [your spells, frankly – or your wish, your manifestation, correct me if I am wrong and/or if I misjudge you then, and forgive me for my false assumption if that is the case] and trying to break free. Another moment, I feel like this is what I want or would love. Another moment, I doubt myself again for all my assessment, consideration, thinking, and analysis.

I’ve so much left to say. But as always, it would still mean nothing to you. So here is the end to this all. I’ve learnt so much from you though. So treasure yourself and be happy. Always be happy, from now on, for the rest of your life, and till the ending of your own legacy tale!

Last lesson: I’ve gone the right way on the wrong path which lead me nowhere, or to here, where I am now. Do I ever regret? Yes and No. I knew it, yet I still chose it, with or without others’ manipulation. Pick the right path and go on it the right way never be a dancing puppet, or if you can’t help, then be the one performing the most beautiful show then.

I’m doing this ‘coz I think, believe, trust, see, and understand that this is what I should do, what I’m able to do, and what I would love to do. I wish you freedom, independence, and happiness! The full moon tonight shall grant my wish. It is the last supermoon of this year, so don’t miss and enjoy its magic!


In the end, I still doubt and I am questioning myself - is this the right thing to do? :)) Idk! I just do it



You may not believe me or doubt me, but that's not my concern now.

Do NOT let anyone or anything hurt your heart PHYSICALLY and emotionally, and whatsoever-ly, PLZ (_ _ #)

Idk what kind of bond is it, but I can feel every second and it is so breathless and hurtful and unbearable >"< !

My heart originally has its own physical problems, but I know myself and my health condition very well. And I'm pretty sure that this time it is not mine! It's YOURS!

Do I care abt you? Yes and No. I would prefer saying that I'm caring for myself right now. As I just can feel it! Call me crazy or else, it doesn't matter. My health matters to me.

And to clarify, I do not pick up others' feeling, I do not project my feeling to others, either! I don't believe in the law of attraction that you told me in Trier as well. To me, it's a type of witchcraft (either with good or evil will), no offense. I'm studying it little by little now, anyway, and just for protection and healing (don't argue now, plz).

I may be wrong. If I'm wrong, then I would apologise. But if I'm right, then please take really good care of yourself, or at least your heart (at least physically). FYI: the negative emotions can cause physical effects.

As my heart is not good by itself already, if it [has to] take and consume the damages to your heart too, I don't really wanna think of that case.

I'm by myself, I can't let myself get into any kind of trouble happen to me. So please! I don't wanna bother you, but this is serious to me. And that's why, I need to let you know this stupid way >"< I'm not blaming you at all. I just... Idk either. I need my heart safe, physically. That's all for now.

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